Under Rock and Ice

I have a special fascination for those moments in nature when one feels as if on another planet. A special attraction for my spirit of discovery comes from caves. In the realm of darkness, every corner wants to be explored and the end of the cave reached. Of course, I won't find a dragon with his treasure here... But the adventurer in me doesn't know that!

I am also particularly fascinated by the sacral atmosphere of glacier caves. As if afraid of waking the slumbering spirit of the glacier, voices quickly fade to a hush, if they are raised at all. In the midst of millennia of ice, one feels small and vulnerable. And at the same time, the effects of climate change are most apparent here. Every year, the glacier recedes a little more, and the ice caves go with it. No glacier cave looks the same as it did last year, if it is still standing at all. Thus, every picture of a glacier cave is also a small piece of history, a documentation of a dying species, the mountain giants.


Mighty Alps

